Monday, April 26, 2010

Help me to lose weight!

Weight Loss

Q: Hi guys, I'm Ronald from Texas, US. I'm 18 years old and I am around 6'3 320 pounds.

I know this question was asked many times before, but I'll ask it anyway. As I said I am only 18 and I'm relly tired of being overweight and it started to annoying me. I don't feel well when I'm with girls or going to the party. I was wondering what exactly should I do to lose my weight? What diets and exercises should I do? How to drop weight quickly?

I don't have access to gym or personal trainer, so my best choise is exercising at home. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

A: We totally understand your concern and we will try to do everything to help you to lose weight.

First let's start with the gym question. The good thing is that you don't need it at all, there is hundreds ways to do cardio exercises, for example:

  • walking up and down stairs
  • walking
  • marching in place
  • swimming
  • jumping rope
  • running

There are only a few exercises that are hard to duplicate without a gym, but you don't need them, all the mentioned above will help you to reach your weight loss goal.

As for diet, you should talk with your doctor about it. What we recommend for our visitors is that you must control your calories. You should be to restrict your calories. See our previous posts about this.

Here is a great ebook that we are highly recommending for you to have. Hope this helps.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

I lost weight but still have a belly fat, what shoud I do?

Weight Loss

Q: Hi Weight Loss ABC. I hope you can help me.

So, my problem is that when I was as a young teenager I always struggled with my weight weighing 168lbs at my heaviest at 5ft1. And today, as a young adult, I've got my weight way down to 110lbs at 5ft4 due to exercise.

I've been exercising for 9 weeks now almost every day for 30-40 mins or when I have time and I've lost about 23lbs, which has gotten me to 110lbs.

The main problem is that my legs are slim along with my arms, but what annoys me most is my stomach.

I did almost everything I could to lose weight: star jumps, jogging, running, hoping, but still, my stomach looks like as if it's water stuck there.. I want it flat looking! What I don't understand is that I'm now 110lbs, but I still have that rounded stomach. How do get rid of it completely? Is 10 weeks is not enough? Should I give it more time? Please help!

A: Sometimes you can exercise for years and you won't lose weight, because there are other important factors involved in weight loss process, such us: what you eat during the period when you do exercise? You have to make sure that you are eating healthy foods and huge amount of protein. So if you can't control and target weight loss, you can always make sure that you're eating cleanly enough and healthily enough to move the process along. Remember: healthy eating + exercise = key to success of weight loss! Make sure you set your goals, believe in yourself, stay determined, make time and stay motivated.

Here is a great ebook that we are highly recommending for you to have. Hope this helps.

Good luck!

For weight loss - weights first or cardio first?

weight loss | cardio

Q: Hi guys,

What should I do first for fat loss when I go to the gym? Should I do cardio first followed by weight training or weight training first and then cardio? Which way is better? Does it actually matter?

A: Thanks for the question! No, it doesn't matter what you do first. I wouldn't go in to that much details if I were you :)

For those who are in to muscle building and bulk, we often recommend to do weights first, while your muscles aren't fatigued.

But for weight loss, it doesn't actually matter. Try and do what works best for you.

Here is a great ebook that we are highly recommending for you to have. Hope this helps.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Walking to lose weight?

Weight Loss

Q: How much should I walk? I walk about 3km per day, is that enough to lose weight?

A: As we mentioned in our previous post (Step by step how to lose weight?), the majority of your weight loss will come from calorie control. That means, you could walk 10-20km a day, but if you're eating more than you're burning - you won't lose any weigh.

So, the main question you should ask yourself is: have you been controlling your calories enough? If yes, after a week or two of walking 3km per day are you losing weight? If so - then great, you're walking enough :)

Remember, only having a good diet and walking almost everyday you can expect to see a positive results by losing your weight. Hope this will help.

Here is a great ebook that we are highly recommending for you to have. Hope this helps.

Good Luck losing weight!

Step by step how to lose weight?

Weight Loss

Q: Hi Weight loss ABC, my name is Darren and I desperately need to lose weight. Are there any step by step instructions or program on how to do it?

- Do I first need to lose fat and than gain lift weight?
- What should I eat? What type of food? Any suggestions?
- What type of training or exercise should I be doing? Cardio?


A: First, there is no secret on how to lose weight. The main thing you should always remember is this: eat less calories than you burn. That's the key to success of losing weight.

We reccomend you to use this simple formula: take your weight in pounds. Multiply that by 10. If you can eat that number of calories, you should lose weight!

Let's take an example: if you weigh 150 pounds, you need to eat 1500 calories per day.

As for healthy eating, you should attempt to eat a balanced diet. Below you can find a brilliant Food Pyramid provided and by recommended by the USDA (Dietary Guidelines for Americans).

For general health reasons do cardio exercises (pushups, chinups, lunges, squats, swimming), but your main and primary strategy should be to restrict your calories.

Here is a great ebook that we are highly recommending for you to have. Hope this helps.

Good Luck!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Cardio at home without disturbing my neighbors?

Weight Loss | Cardio

Q: I live in a house with other familys down stair from me (it's a 3 family house) and I really don't want to disturb while I do cardio by jumping around everyday.

I don't have any quipments yet (treadmill and etc.) and running outside is not an option for me, because I want to work out before the school and usually thar early is very dark in the morning. So, I think cardio in my house would be the best choice for me. But how do I do it without disturbing my neighbors? Any tips? Thanks for you advice!

A: Well, first you don't really have to jump around to do cardio :-) Efficient cardio is anything that gets your heart rate up and keeps it up. For this there are all kinds of bodyweight exercises, including:

  • chinups
  • pushups
  • lunges
  • squats

All the things above will get your heart rate going. You can also check out this weight loss ebook, there is some great advices and tips how to do cardio without 'jumping around'.

Here is a great ebook that we are highly recommending for you to have. Hope this helps.

Good Luck!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

How to lose weight and gain muscle at the same time?

Weight Loss | Muscle gaining

Q:Hi. My friends telling me that it's almost impossible to gain muscle while you lose weight. Is that true?

I have been working out and lifting weights for like 30-40 min. every other day. The days i was not lifting - I would run 3-4 miles.. I don't know if that's good or wrong, I don't wan't to waste my time if I can't actually even gain muscle. Should I just stop lifting and just run every day??

Right now:
  • I am 17 5'9 210 lbs
  • I'm eating 1500 calories a day (mostly chicken), no red meat

Maybe it would be better if i just stopped lifting, untill I get to my goal of 180lbs? Any tips?

A: The answer is NO! Don't stop lifting at any cost.

The thing is that doing weight training while on a diet - will help you retain more muscle. This is because when you go into a deficit, your body is not just burning your fat, but your muscle too and lifting weights will help that proportion lean more towards fat. It's like telling your body you still need those muscles. Plus it's usually a good workout too.

By the way, it's a lot harder to gain muscle than lose it. So, don't wait until you hit your goal to do it.

Here is a great ebook that we are highly recommending for you to have. Hope this helps.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Every day to gym? Is it healthy?


Q:Hi, is it healthy to go every day to gym?

My situation: I joined a gym few days ago and I'm quite happy to go there as often as I can. I really love the atmosphere and I want to loose weight as quick as possible. So, is it healthy to go each and every day? Or maybe it's better to go every other day or even once in 3 days?

I like to do 30 mins of cardio and then do weights.

A: Well, it depends. You must listen to your body first. If you feel well then it's ok to go every day, but if you are sure or seems like your body needs rest to recover, try and see what works best for your body.

Remember, there is nothing wrong with doing the gym everyday, only as long as your body is ok.

Here is a great ebook that we are highly recommending for you to have. Hope this helps.

Lose weight trough exercise

Weight Loss

Q: Hello Weight Loss ABC, first of all I like your site very much! My question is: how much should I (a female who is 25-30 pounds overweight) exercise each day? Any recommendations?

A: Thanks! As for your question, it's very important that You set your goals first. This will help to keep you motivated towards your exercise program.

I would recommend you to shoot for 3 hours a week. Of course more is better, but something is always better than nothing.

For instance, I work out for about an hour 5 - 6 days a week. I try to do weights Mon, Wed, Fri and run Tues, Thurs and Sat. The only thing that cut all that down might be work, family and injuries or sickness, but I never miss my Tuesday/Thursday runs and trying to make most weight workouts. The Saturday run is a bit hard, because of time spent with my family, but an hour 5-6 days will be enough.

Here is a great ebook that we are highly recommending for you to have. Hope this helps.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Thank you!

Thank You!

Thank you for submitting your question! We will do our best to answer it promptly.

In the meantime, go check out our other posts, maybe you will find something useful. -- Weight Loss ABC